
Xtra room

  • Xtra room
  • Xtra room
Presented:Salone del Mobile 2009, Milan
Categories: Home furnitureStorage / ShelvingParavents / Partitions
Product description

Matali Crasset has always been interested in the principle of building/unbuilding articles in the living space. Flexible, therefore her Interior Xtra room refuge, according to needs and wishes, can be unfolded or removed. Putting up a passing friend in th

e house, cutting oneself off to work, read, watch television, the Xtra room offers a better management of space by creating transient sub-spaces. From the simple principle of a trunk/posts, the Xtra room makes it possible to build a structure which, accor

ding to the number of elements assembled, becomes a screen, a private corner or a real refuge. Completed by a felt-lined skin, the hut becomes homely and welcoming, suitable to carrying out a large number of activities in a single open area. A tool for pa

rtitioning the area, the Xtra room refuge is a light alternative to building walls.

Moustache, France

Matali Crasset